Objective: Generate a ticket in Spiceworks when upgrade is released. Provides upgrade history and ensures completed in timely manner.
- Navigated to following link and save the script:
- Create a storage directory
- Create a directory for downloaded Spiceworks installers and define the path_to_store_exe variable in the script. Grant write access to this folder for account, which will run the script.
- We used \\server\shared\IT\Software\Spiceworks\Installers
- Fill in other variables in the script
- All settings to fill in bounded with lines "=== Define your parameters ==="
- $smtp_server = "smtp.domain.com"
- $smtp_server_port = "25"
- $SSL_is_used = $false
- $ticket_creator_email = "admin@domain.com"
- $ticket_creator_email_pass = ""
- $helpdesk_email = "helpdesk@domain.com"
- $helpdesk_url = "http://helpdesk.domain.com:port"
- $path_to_store_exe = "D:\SW-Install\"
- $LANG = "EN"
- Schedule a task Schedule a task to run the script every day at 09 AM or whenever you want.
- Start > Run > Taskschd.msc
- Task Scheduler Library > Action > Create Task
- General
- Name: Spiceworks Ticket Upgrade
- Description: Run PS script to check for Spiceworks updates. Generate ticket as needed.
- Security Options: Run whether user is logged in or not
- Triggers
- New > On a schedule
- Settings
- Define when you want to run
- Advanced Settings
- Ensure Enabled is checked
- I like to set stop for tasks if they run more then an hr
- Actions
- New > Start a program
- Settings:
- Program/script: powershell
- Add Arguments: -file [path to script enclose in "" if spaces in path]
- Conditions
- Adjust as needed
- Settings
- Adjust as needed
- History
- Log to verify running
- Upon saving will be prompted for user password
Download script, readme and task scheduler template at:
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