Monday, August 26, 2013

Spiceworks: Generate Ticket for upgrade notice

This is quick write up of experience implementing How-To: How to automatically create a ticket on Spiceworks upgrade by Vasily Ignatov.

Objective: Generate a ticket in Spiceworks when upgrade is released.  Provides upgrade history and ensures completed in timely manner.

  1. Navigated to following link and save the script:
  2. Create a storage directory 
    • Create a directory for downloaded Spiceworks installers and define the path_to_store_exe variable in the script. Grant write access to this folder for account, which will run the script.
    • We used \\server\shared\IT\Software\Spiceworks\Installers
  3. Fill in other variables in the script
    • All settings to fill in bounded with lines "=== Define your parameters ==="
      • $smtp_server = ""
      • $smtp_server_port = "25"
      • $SSL_is_used = $false
      • $ticket_creator_email = ""
      • $ticket_creator_email_pass = ""
      • $helpdesk_email = ""
      • $helpdesk_url = ""
      • $path_to_store_exe = "D:\SW-Install\"
      • $LANG = "EN"
  4. Schedule a task Schedule a task to run the script every day at 09 AM or whenever you want.
    • Start > Run > Taskschd.msc
    • Task Scheduler Library > Action > Create Task
    • General
      • Name: Spiceworks Ticket Upgrade
      • Description: Run PS script to check for Spiceworks updates.  Generate ticket as needed.
      • Security Options: Run whether user is logged in or not
    • Triggers
      • New > On a schedule
      • Settings 
        • Define when you want to run
      • Advanced Settings
        • Ensure Enabled is checked
        • I like to set stop for tasks if they run more then an hr
    • Actions
      • New > Start a program
      • Settings:
        • Program/script: powershell
        • Add Arguments: -file [path to script enclose in "" if spaces in path]
    • Conditions
      • Adjust as needed
    • Settings
      • Adjust as needed
    • History
      • Log to verify running
    • Upon saving will be prompted for user password
That is it.  Now in the folder you have defined installers will be downloaded being named according to versions.  Also in the folder will be the log file (check_sw_ver.log) and the md5sums.

Download script, readme and task scheduler template at:

Friday, August 23, 2013

SharePoint 2010: Create new Site Collection

Quick run through on how to create a Site Collection on SharePoint 2010 for future reference.

For more details check out:
  1. Access Central Administration site
    • Typically server name on port 9999 but will vary with installation.  On server shortcut located at: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products > SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
  2. Application Management > Create site collections
  3. Complete following:
    1. Web Application
      1. Select Web Application from drop down
      2. Ex: Test
    2. Title and Description
      1. Title: What you want displayed above Ribbon
      2. Description: Describe the site for future reference 
        • **DO NOT LEAVE BLANK** future admins will HATE you
    3. Web Site Address
      1. Select if Root (/) or Sites (/sites/) address
    4. Template Selection
      1. Select desired Template: 
    5. Primary Site Collection Administrator
      1. Enter User Name:
        • I define Farm Admin as primary
    6. Secondary Site Collection Administrator
      1. Enter User Name
        • Define my privileged account as secondary
        • Can add more SC admins later if needed
    7. Quota Template
      1. Define quota if required
    8. Click OK; Wait for processing
  4. Completed screen provides hyperlink to new site collection 
Check out the How-To on Spiceworks: 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

SharePoint 2010: Creating New Web Application

Little write up on process of creating Web Applications for future referencing on later posts, avoid having to duplicate data over and over.

I will not be explaining all the options for those details check out:

  1. Access Central Administration site
    • Typically server name on port 9999 but will vary with installation.  On server shortcut located at: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products > SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
  2. Application Management > Manage web applications
  3. Click New
  4. Complete following:
    1. Authentication
      • Classic Mode Authentication
    2. IIS Web Site
      • Create a new IIS web site: SharePoint - Test
        • Scheme I use is SharePoint - [SiteSubject]
          • SharePoint - HR / SharePoint - My Sites / etc
        • Port: Typically 80 unless known issues
        • Host Header: what you want the URL to be
          • http://[hostheader]:port
        • Path: Leave as defualt
    3. Security Configuration
      • Leave all as default unless you know you are using Kerberos/SSL or want to allow Anonymous (Public Sites)
    4. Public URL
      • URL: Leave default unless want different from Host Header
      • Zone: Can't change
    5. Application Pool
      • Create new: I just double check to make sure scheme is being applied: SharePoint - [hostheader][port]
      • Security Account: Leave as defualt (Typically Farm Account)
    6. Database Name and Authentication
      • Database server: [Enter Database Server DNS Name]
      • Database Name: Modify to following scheme
        • WSS_Content_[IIS Web site Name]
          • Ex: WSS_Content_Test (makes easier to find in SQL database
      • Database Authentication: Leave default unless your network requires it
    7. Failover Database Server: Enter Server name if you have mirrored SQL servers
    8. Search Server: Select desired Server if available
    9. Service Application Connections
      • Leave as default unless new web application does not require Service Application
    10. Customer Experience Improvement Program: No
  5. Click Okay; Wait for processing to complete
  6. Application Created Should Appear

Check out How-To on SpiceWorks:

Monday, August 19, 2013

SharePoint 2010: My Site Root Deletion/Restoration

So playing around in our My Sites and discovered a My Site for SP_Farm.  Went in and deleted as a typical site collection.  BIG MISTAKE.  Apparently when browsing other My Sites you are view a layered root site (/).  By deleting this I broke My Sites for everyone.  To resolve I had to recreate the Site Collection (followed post at Jerry Orman's Blog SharePoint My Site link stops redirecting users to their Personal Site)

  1. Browse Central Administration > Application Management 
    1. Click Create Site Collection 
    2. Select the My Site Web Application 
    3. Set the Title to My Site
    4. For URL, select the "/" option for the root 
    5. Select the My Site Host site template on the Enterprise tab 
    6. Set the SharePoint System account as the owner. 
    7. Click OK
That fixed it (whew thought I would have to recreate all the My Sites from a backup last week).

If you want to remove those service account My Sites there are two ways (GUI /  PS):
  1. GUI (Central Administration)
    1.  Start > All Programs > Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products > SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
    2. Application Management
    3. Delete Site Collection
    4. Select Site from Drop Down
    5. Delete
  2. PS (Power Shell)
    1. Start > All Programs > Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products > SharePoint 2010 Management Shell
    2. STSAdm.exe command-line (stsadm -o deletesite -url http://mysite/personal/bobsmith)

Windchill 10.0 Debug Logging

We have been having some issues with our WindChill/PTC Creo system and have had to reach out to their tech support.  Through this issue I have learned how to enable debug logging and what log files they typically need to resolve cases.  By knowing this information you can speed up the resolution process by including debug logs with initial case opening message instead of waiting for the tech to request.

  1. Access server running Windchill
  2. Start > All Programs > Windchill_10.0 > Windchill Shell
  3. Enter: xconfmanager -s -t codebase/ –p
    • Set to false to disable
Now reproduce what ever caused your error and you will have a nice debug log to send.  

The logs location may vary. Ours are located in [Drive]:\PTC\Winchill_10.0\Windchill\logs

Friday, August 16, 2013

NeverFail: Disaster Recovery shouldn’t run on late nights and coffee alone (Webinar)

Summary of Webinar presented by Neverfail: Speaker Josh Mazgelis

This webinar covered following three topics plus preview of new Neverfail product

  1. Dependency Mapping
  2. DR planning
  3. Flavors of protection
  4. Neverfail product

  1. Mapping is important
    1. Business view
      1. Managers only see the Business needs (Services)
      2. There is little to no between Business needs and Infrastructure Support
      3. Don't understand Infrastructure Support is like insurance, only see money vanishing
    2. How IT sees it
      1. Inventory of servers, hosts, storage
      2. Don't understand the Business needs only to keep everything running
      3. May/May not understand what services are important/critical
      4. Very difficult to know if Backup Continuity / Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) is sufficient
      5. Difficult to justify money for better BC/DR
    3. Results
      1. IT staff spends more time determining how things work
        1. late nights figuring out how things work
      2. IT staff spends more time reacting/repairing when services break
      3. Business wants to know why took so long to restore/recovery
      4. Business wants to know why data is missing from restore
  2. DR Planning
    1. Planning originates from Business needs
      1. Business owners need to identify key services
      2. Business owners need to define target SLA
        1. Not IT
    2. How to do this 
      1. Start with what services are important/critical
      2. Identify components that keep these service running
      3. Identify the dependencies that support components/services
    3. Build DR to support Business services
      1. Easier to justify spending for application dependencies
      2. Reduce spending on extraneous infrastructure
        • By determining what levels of SLA (typically 2-3 for a company) can break services down and adjust resources to provide the needed protection
  3. Understanding challenges
    1. Off-target Recovery Plans
      1. With virtualization became easy to spread basic protection across Virtual Infrastructure
        1. May not meet Recovery Plan Objective (RPO) / Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
        2. May over protect smaller systems thus wasting resources
        3. Hard to balance funds to protection
      2. Spot solutions
        1. Don't provide complete protection
          • May protect Oracle database extermly well but not the SharePoint application that allows retrival and input
            • Database availability means nothing if no application to use it
    2. Keeping up with changes
      1. Visualization accelerated the pace of change
        1. New servers come online within minutes to hours versus days to weeks
        2. Old servers become abandoned forgotten easier as they are not physical without monitoring virtual enviroment easy to feed "zombie" system vitila resources
        3. VM's easily move between hosts and protection schemes
          • One host may be connected to a SAN were other is not
      2. Rouge IT ushers in undocumented changes
        1. Business units create "Ghost IT" infrastructure
          • Mac mini with server applications
        2. Cloud services compliment or replace internal resources
          1. Dropbox
      3. There's just a whole lot going on
        1. It is difficult enough keeping up with projects and issue without worrying about BC/DR updates
    3. Knowing where you stand
      1. DR plan last thing considered
        1. Doing more with less truely means there is more that doesn't get done
        2. BC/DR plans are rarely updated as changes are made
      2. Even if you have a plan hard to know status
        1. BCDR consultants could be used but not always through enough to catch everything
        2. Testing plans (not when there is an emergency)
          • Monthly/Qtrly/Semi-Annual/somthing
    4. Recovery Tool Taste Testing
      1. Basic backup & recovery
      2. Replicate of VM images/stores
      3. Trad. server cluster
      4. Replication with stand-by & failover
    5. Every blend own characteristics
      1. Different RTO/RPO
      2. Protection from different kinds of failures
      3. widely varying cost to protection ratio
    6. Delicate Balance
      1. SLA 
        1. Business wants to meet certain SLA;s
        2. Increasing # of threats to business continuity
        3. Everyone's stuff important, hard to determine
      2. Budgetary constraints
        1. Face It: Protection costs money, time, resources
        2. Hard to justify expense
        3. Not everything is going to get unlimited protection
    7. Building a better Coffee Maker
      1. Understand business needs
        1. Reference actual business needs and requirements
        2. Estimate application cost of downtime
          • Easier to justify funding when you know the cost
        3. Fully map out service dependencies
          • Ensure a small server/service running on other server is not missed that breaks entire service
      2. Apply protection appropriately
        1. Good, Fast, Cheap (Pick any two)
          • Never going to find a perfect solution
      3. Monitor results
        1. Regular testing
        2. Develop automation
Neverfail IT Continuity Architect
  1. Dashboard
    1. Progress and Summary reports
      1. Automatically inventories and analyzes IT infrastructure
      2. Summarizes availability and likelihood to meet SLA's
    2. Multiple Heatmap views of Inventory
      1. color coded by analysis state, protection, or tier ranking
      2. Bigger boxes indicate more dependent entities
    3. Create and define Biz services (SLA)
      1. combine dependent entities
    4. Dependency Graphs
      1. view inbound and outbound dependencies for any entity
  2. Learn More
    1. IT Continuity Architect tech preview
    2. IT Continuity Architect introduction video
    3. IT Continuity Architect - Discovery and Dependencies

ShoreTel Agent Login/Logoff via phones

We have a small number of users that are part of some groups within our ShoreTel System (Sales/Customer Service).

**Note Following only works if you have ShoreTel Workgroup Agent/Supervisor Access Licenses: else ShoreTel Administrator must manually make changes**

Recently there have been more questions on logging in and out as an agent during scheduled times. Below is a quick write up covering major models.

IP 212k:

  • Press Options > [Voice Mail Password] > #
  • Select "Agent State" via Custom Button
  • Select State [Logged In / Logged Out / Wrap-up] via Custom Button
  • Press Menu button to exit
IP 230/230g/265/560/560g/565g/:

  • Press Options > [Voice Mail Password] > #
  • Select "Agent State" via Up/Down Arrow control or press 5
  • Select State via Up/Down Arrow control
    • Logged In [1]
    • Logged Out [2]
    • Wrap-Up [3]
  • Press Done Softkey

Feature not available on following phones:
IP 110, IP 115, IP 210, IP 655 , IP 8000

For users on non-supported phones Agent status will need to be updated by ShoreTel Administrator.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Truth In IT: BackUp Seminar Notes to come

Morning everyone,

Have a lot going on but just want to let you all know I attended a great seminar (free) put on by Truth in IT yesterday.  Guest speaker was Curtis Preston (Mr. Backup).  Learned a lot and will have several posts on more in depth topics but keep an eye out over the next week I should get a nice overview of the event.

If possible I highly recommend attending any TruthInIT events that come to your area. I have attended three in the past year and each one is very informational.

SharePoint 2010: Aggregating Announcements

As part of our SharePoint Setup we decided we wanted the ability to aggregate / bubble up / consolidate announcements from multiple sites to our Main Page.  The following is how we accomplished this task while installing simple way for users to control what is displayed.

To start we added custom site columns to top level site that added controls of what was displayed on main page, when and for how long.
  1. Launch browser to top level site (in our case http://intranet/)
  2. Site Actions > Site Settings
  3. Galleries > Site content types
  4. List Content Types > Announcement
  5. Columns > Add from new site column
    1. Name and Type
      1. Name: Display on Home Page (Y/N)
      2. Type: Yes/No
    2. Group
      1. Group: Custom Columns or create a new one
    3. Additional Column Settings
      1. Description: Option to have announcement display on Main Page
      2. Default Value: No
        • This requires users to select Yes for announcement to be displayed on Home Page otherwise it only displays on their site
    4. Update List and Site Content Types
      1. Update All content types inheriting: Yes
        • This is how we populate this to all child sites
    5. Click Okay
  6. Columns > Add from new site column
    1. Name and Type
      1. Name: Display Start Date
      2. Type: Date and Time
    2. Group
      1. Group: Custom Columns or create a new one
    3. Additional Column Settings
      • Description: Date to Start Display on Main Page
      • Required: No
      • Enforce Unique: No
      • Format: Date Only
      • Default value: (None)
    4. Update All content types inheriting: Yes
      • This is how we populate this to all child sites
    5. Click Okay
  7. Columns > Add from new site column
    1. Name and Type
      1. Name: Display End Date
      2. Type: Date and Time
    2. Group
      1. Group: Custom Columns or create a new one
    3. Additional Column Settings
      • Description: Date to End Display on Main Page
      • Required: No
      • Enforce Unique: No
      • Format: Date Only
      • Default value: (None)
    4. Update All content types inheriting: Yes
      • This is how we populate this to all child sites
    5. Click Okay
Now we will setup the home page to display items from other sites.  To accomplish this we will use a Web Part: Content Query.  
  1. Move back to top level site
  2. Sites Actions > Edit Page
  3. Click Add Web Part in desired location (for use we chose the left space)
  4. Categories > Content Rollup > Web Parts > Content Query > Add
  5. Click open the tool pane or Drop Down > Edit Web Part
  6. Expand Query and set the following:
    1. Source: Show items from all sites in this
    2. List Type: Announcements
    3. Content Type: 
      1. Group: List Content Types
      2. Item: Announcements
    4. Audience Targeting: Apply as needed
    5. Click Apply
  7. Set filters (if desired)
    1. Query > Additional Filters:
      1. Display on Home Page (Y/N)
        • is equal to
        • [Yes]
      2. Display Start Date
        • is less then or equal to
        • [Today]
      3. Display End Date
        • is greater then or equal to
        • [Today]
    2. Click Apply
  8. Expand Appearance
    1. Set Title to desired name (we used Current Announcements)
    2. Click Apply > Click OK
That is it.  Now when a user creates an announcement they will have the option to set for homepage display.
For How-To write up with steps and images visit post on SpiceWorks:

SharePoint 2010: Install Updates

Quick how-to to update SharePoint 2010.

**Note it is highly recommended to test all updates in test environment before deploying to your production network**

**Note Ensure you plan downtime for each update the longer between updates you wait the longer your downtime: SP2 took roughly 20-25 mins followed by restart**

  1. Determine current Version and build with following SharePoint 2010 Management Shell command:
    • (Get-SPFarm).buildversion
  2. Review what updates need to be applied via following link:
  3. Download update (s) for your version of SharePoint 2010
  4. Move file to location accessible from SharePoint Server
  5. Login to SharePoint Server to be updated
  6. Browse to location of downloaded file
  7. Double-Click to start installation
  8. Read and Accept MS Software Licence Terms > Continue
  9. Sit back and wait for installation
  10. Review output
    1. Some updates fail to start ProfileSynchronizationServiceInstance and will need to be manually restarted.
    2. Restart if needed
  11. Run following SharePoint 2010 Management Shell command as Farm Admin Account:
    • Start > All Programs > Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products > SharePoint 2010 Management Shell
      • Press Shift and Right Click > Select Run as different user
      • Enter Farm Admin credentials
    • psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait
    • wait for it to complete then restart
    • Review output
      1. If account not correctly permissioned ProfileSynchronizationServiceInstance will fail to start and will need to be manually restarted.
  12. Verify update by repeating step 1.
Steps to Start ProfileSynchronizationServiceInstance
  1. Access Central Administration
  2. System Settings > Services on Server
  3. User Profile Synchronization Service > Start
    1. Select User Profile Application: [User Profile Service]
    2. Enter password for Service Account: [We save them in KeePass]
    3. Click Okay
That is all there is.  Biggest thing is to remember to plan for downtime and alert your users when the system will be down.

Monday, August 12, 2013

SharePoint 2010: Importing and Using imported templates

Recently we talked internally about SharePoint and begining to roll it out mainstream.  This involves working with each department and building out their sites.  One department (HR) found a few templates they wanted to work with.  Following is my experience importing and generating a test site from this template:

  1. Download and extract your template until you can access the .wsp file
  2. Verify the following service is running on SharePoint servers/farm: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service
  3. Decide if deploying to new Web Application or existing. 
    • New
      1. Create a new Web Application 
      2. Create a new Site Collection against that new Web Application (Select template "Team Site" while creating this Site Collection)
      3. Goto 'Site Settings' of that new Web Application
      4. Goto 'Solutions' 
      5. Upload Application Template ".wsp" file, and "Activate" that when upload completes
      6. Create a new "Site" in the newly created "Site Collection" (in step 2), and select the newly uploaded solution in "Template" section
    • Existing
      1. Goto Site Collection to apply template to
      2. Goto 'Site Settings'
      3. Goto 'Solutions' 
      4. Upload Application Template ".wsp" file, and "Activate" that when upload completes
      5. Create a new "Site" in the newly created "Site Collection" (in step 2), and select the newly uploaded solution in "Template" section
Pretty simple but took me a while as services were not running.

Check out my How-To write up on SpiceWorks:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Enable Remote Desktop (RDP) Remotely

Credit goes out to RAM. ( on SpiceWorks for this hand tidbit.

Found nice How-To on Spiceworks written by RAM (can be found here:

Problem: Remote Desktop Connection Error: This computer can't connect to the remote computer.

Possible Solution:

  • Luanch Regedit and connect to remote system
    • Start > Run > Regedit
    • Minimize Computer Tree (helps keepo things neat)
      • Click little arrow next to Computer
    • File > Connect Network Registry
      • Enter or search for target system name
      • Click OK
  • Modify fDenyTSConnections to 0
    • Under Target System name expand tree
    • Navigate: Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Terminal Server > fDenyTSConnections
    • Right-Click > Modify
    • Change value to 0 > OK
Results will very on different system have tested on WinXP and Win7 (Logged in to my system as an Admin / privileged user)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

SharePoint 2010: Install Microsoft Productivity Hub 2010 SP1

As we are expanding our SharePoint I decided to play with MS Productivity Hub 2010 SP1 ( to see if it may help my users become more familiar with SharePoint (and other MS tools).

  • Windows XP or later 
  • 2007 Office System or later
  • SharePoint (SP) Server 2010 SP1 with August 2011 CU 
  • Silverlight 4
  • Farm Administrator privileges

  1. Navigate to and download all files saving them to location accessible from SharePoint (SP) Server(s)
    • CoreInstall2010SP1.exe 14.0 MB
    • ContentPack2010SP1-1.exe 460.0 MB
    • ContentPack2010SP1-2.exe 441.4 MB
    • ContentPack2010SP1-3.exe 470.4 MB
    • ContentPack2010SP1-4.exe 718.8 MB
  2. Unpack all downloads to a directory on one of the servers in your SP farm.
    • Created folder called MS Productivity Hub 2010 SP1
  3. Verify Administrative rights to User Profile Service Application (By default only SP installation account does)
    • Open the Central Administration site. The Central Administration site can be found under the Start menu, in the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products folder
    • Within the Central Administration site, navigate to Service Applications under Application Management > Manage Service Applications
    • Find the User Profile Service Application in the list. Highlight the row by clicking on the row to the right of the link (do not click the link as this will take you to another page). 
    • With the User Profile Service Application row highlighted, click the Permissions button in the ribbon toolbar.
    • In the Permissions dialog, verify that your account (or the account being used to install the Productivity Hub) is specified with Full Control before proceeding with Productivity Hub installation. 
    • Click OK once you have verified and / or added your account with Full Control permissions.
  4. Decide where you want the Productivity Hub site to reside within your existing SharePoint Server 2010 farm. 
    • You can choose to deploy the site to a new site collection or to an existing site collection. The installation process will attempt to create or replace the chosen site collection with a new Productivity Hub site collection.
    • I choose to install in new web application and site collection.
      • Web Application
        • Authentication: Classic
        • IIS Web Site
          • IIS Web Site: MSPHUB
          • Port: 80
          • Host Header: [name for address]
            • Ex: internal / training /etc
          • Path: [Change only if needed]
        • Security Configuration
          • Authentication provider: MTLM
          • Allow Anonymous: No
          • SSL: No
        • Public URL
          • URL: http://sptraining:80
          • Zone: Default
        • Application Pool
          • Pool Name: SharePoint - MSPHUB
          • Security Account: Configuarable (Predefined SP_Farm)
        • Database Name and Authentication
          • Database server: [Enter Database Server Name]
          • Database Name: WSS_Content_MSPHUB
          • Database Authentication: Windows authentication
        • Failover Server: [Enter if available]
        • Search Server: SharePoint Server Search
        • Service Application Connections: Default
        • CEI Program: No
      • Site Collection
        • Central Administration > Create Site Collection
        • Web Application: [Select Web Application created above]
        • Title: MS Productivity Hub
        • Description: MS Productivity Hub Repository
        • URL: [web application]/
        • Template: Blank Site
        • Primary Site Collection Administrator: [Desired User]
        • Secondary Site Collection Administrator (if needed): [Desired User]
        • Quota Template: No Quota
  5. Once you have determined which site collection to use, open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell from one of the SharePoint front end web servers.
    • The SharePoint 2010 Management Shell can be found under the Start menu, in the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products folder. 
  6. From within the management shell, change directory to where you’ve placed the Productivity Hub installation files.
    • cd "C:\MS Productity Hub 2010 SP1" (remove " if typeing)
  7. Run the following command from the management shell prompt: .\install [sitecollectionURL] 
    • Example: .\install http://myhubsite/  or .\install http://sptraining/
    • Select Y to overwrite
  8. Monitor the management shell window to answer any prompts and to ensure success (this may take a few minutes). Once the install process completes, the initial site collection will be deployed to target URL. If you chose to install the default content packs during the installation process, you now have those content packs installed. If there are other content packs you wish to install, please do so now before proceeding to the next step. 
  9. Next, open the Central Administration site to initiate a full crawl of the new site collection. The Central Administration site can be found under the Start menu, in the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products folder. 
    1. Within the Central Administration site, navigate to your default Search Service Application instance under Application Management > Manage Service Applications. 
    2. From the Search Administration page, click Content Sources from the left navigation menu 
    3. Find the relevant Content Source that encompasses the new site collection and choose Start Full Crawl from within its drop-down menu. If you only have “Local SharePoint Server Sites” listed as a content source, perform a full crawl on it. 
      • NOTE: The full crawl process may take a few minutes to a several hours depending on the size of your SharePoint server farm. This step is necessary to index the content of the Productivity Hub site collection. 
  10. Installation is now complete. You can now navigate to the Productivity Hub site in Internet Explorer and set permissions for your end users and coaches who will need access to the Productivity Hub. Permissions are controlled from the home page. Use Site Actions > Site Settings > People and Groups. Add the relevant users and Active Directory groups to the following SharePoint security groups based on role: 
    1. Hub 2010 Members – most users should be placed here. They will be able to view, tag, and rate content, and participate in forums. 
    2. Hub 2010 Coaches – same access level as Members, but with access to the Coach Help and the ability to manage content of the Productivity Hub site. 
    3. Hub 2010 Owners – Administrators should be registered here. They will have full access to manage content and forum posts, view Site Admin Help, SA Benefits Help, and Coach Help pages; and modify site permissions.
    4. Hub Visitors – users who need read-only access to content and forums should be added to this group. Tagging and ratings will still work for these users.

ShoreTel v13.1 SIP and BIAMP

At the beginning of the year we expanded and built a new set of training/conference rooms.  We employed GrayBow ( to handle the Audio/Visuals of the room.

One such feature is the use of Crestron, Revolabs for conference phones.  We have had several issues with programming the system to dial, maintain connections longer then 30 some minutes.  GrayBow has been great sending techs out and working with the vendors to resolve the issue (hoping the new firmware release fixes all the issues).  Below documents how we had to configure our ShoreTel System to acknowledge the BIAMP card in the new system.

ShoreWare Director Configuration

  1. Access ShoreTel Director via Web Browser (http://[DirectorIP]/shorewaredirector/login.asp)
    • Default Login: admin / changeme
  2. Create a SIP Profile
    1. Navigate to Administration > IP Phones > SIP Profiles
    2. Click New
      1. Name: [We used BIAMP]
      2. User Agent: biamp.*
      3. Priority: 100
      4. System Parameters:
        • OptionsPing=0
        • SendEarlyMedia=0
        • MWI=none
        • 1CodecAnswer=1
        • StripVideoCodec=0
      5. Custom Parameters:
      6. Click Save
  3. Create a Codec List (We skipped as already configured for other SIP System)
    1. Navigate to Administration > Call Control > Codec Lists
    2. Click New
      1. Name: [We used BIAMP_codecs]
      2. Under Choose Codecs Select: AAC_LC/32000
      3. Click Add >>
      4. Under Codec List Members Select: AAC_LC/32000
      5. Click Move Up >> until at the top
      6. Click Save
  4. Configure Switch Port (Again we skipped as already configured for other SIP System)
    1. Navigate to Administration > Platform Hardware.. > Voice Switches.. > Primary
    2. Select desired switch name to configure SIP on
    3. Determine desired port > Change Port Type to 100 SIP Proxy
      • Check your switch manual for more details
    4. Update Description for easy Identification later
    5. Click Save
  5. Configuring Site (Again we skipped as already configured for other SIP System)
    1. Navigate to Administration > Sites > [Desired Site Name]
    2. Update Following Sections:
      1. Bandwidth
        1. Admission Control Bandwidth: 1544 kbps 
        2. Intra-Site Calls: LS_Codecs
        3. Inter-Site Calls: LS_Codecs
        4. FAX and Modem Calls: Fax Codecs - High Bandwidth
      2. SIP Proxy
        1. Virtual IP Address: [Designate static IP for SIP Proxy]
        2. Proxy Switch 1: [Select defined switch]
        3. Proxy Switch 2: [Select defined switch]
    3. Click Save
    4. Create SIP User Extension
      1. Navigate to Administration > Users > Individual Users
      2. Click Go to the right of Add new user at site [desired site name]
      3. Complete Following Fields
        1. First Name: [RoomNames]
        2. Number: [System may auto-populate otherwise enter desired extension]
        3. License Type [Select Extension and Mailbox]
          • You can come back after completion to set to Extension-Only
        4. Primary Phone Port > IP Phones: Any IP Phone
        5. Click Save
      4. Scroll to Bottom and update following:
        1. Client Username: [Keep things simple same as First Name]
        2. SIP Password: [Define password / By default nonassigned]
        3. Click Save
      5. Click Save

    Monday, August 5, 2013

    ShoreTel v13.1 SIP and LifeSize 220

    Recently we had issues with our SIP link failing between our LifeSize220 Video Conference System and our ShoreTel VoIP system.  Below are the steps I used to verify and update settings to recreate the connection:

    ShoreWare Director Configuration

    1. Access ShoreTel Director via Web Browser (http://[DirectorIP]/shorewaredirector/login.asp)
      • Default Login: admin / changeme
    2. Create a SIP Profile
      1. Navigate to Administration > IP Phones > SIP Profiles
      2. Click New
        1. Name: [We used LifeSize220]
        2. User Agent: LifeSize.*
        3. Priority: 100
        4. System Parameters:
          • OptionsPing=0
          • SendEarlyMedia=0
          • MWI=none
          • 1CodecAnswer=1
          • StripVideoCodec=0
        5. Custom Parameters:
          • 1CodecAnswer=0
        6. Click Save
    3. Create a Codec List
      1. Navigate to Administration > Call Control > Codec Lists
      2. Click New
        1. Name: [We used LS_codecs]
        2. Under Choose Codecs Select: AAC_LC/32000
        3. Click Add >>
        4. Under Codec List Members Select: AAC_LC/32000
        5. Click Move Up >> until at the top
        6. Click Save
    4. Configure Switch Port
      1. Navigate to Administration > Platform Hardware.. > Voice Switches.. > Primary
      2. Select desired switch name to configure SIP on
      3. Determine desired port > Change Port Type to 100 SIP Proxy
        • Check your switch manual for more details
      4. Update Description for easy Identification later
      5. Click Save
    5. Configuring Site
      1. Navigate to Administration > Sites > [Desired Site Name]
      2. Update Following Sections:
        1. Bandwidth
          1. Admission Control Bandwidth: 1544 kbps 
          2. Intra-Site Calls: LS_Codecs
          3. Inter-Site Calls: LS_Codecs
          4. FAX and Modem Calls: Fax Codecs - High Bandwidth
        2. SIP Proxy
          1. Virtual IP Address: [Designate static IP for SIP Proxy]
          2. Proxy Switch 1: [Select defined switch]
          3. Proxy Switch 2: [Select defined switch]
      3. Click Save
      4. Create SIP User Extension
        1. Navigate to Administration > Users > Individual Users
        2. Click Go to the right of Add new user at site [desired site name]
        3. Complete Following Fields
          1. First Name: [We used LifeSize_220]
          2. Number: [System may auto-populate otherwise enter desired extension]
          3. License Type [Select Extension and Mailbox]
            • You can come back after completion to set to Extension-Only
          4. Primary Phone Port > IP Phones: Any IP Phone
          5. Click Save
        4. Scroll to Bottom and update following:
          1. Client Username: [Keep things simple same as First Name]
          2. SIP Password: [Define password / By default nonassigned]
          3. Click Save
        5. Click Save
      LifeSize 220 Configuration

      1. Access Administration Interface
        • IP (Web Browser)
          • Open Browser and enter IP address of LifeSize System
          • Enter Password (Default 1234)
        • System (Remote Controller)
          • System Menu (Blue Button)
          • Administrator Preferences  > OK
          • Communications > SIP
      2. Preferences > Communication > SIP
        • SIP: Enabled
        • SIP Username: [User's First Name]
        • Authorization Name:  [User's Extension #]
        • Authorization Password: [defined password]
        • SIP Server Type: Auto
        • SIP Registration: Direct
        • SIP Proxy: Disabled
        • SIP Registrar: Enabled
        • Registrar Hostname: [SIP Proxy: Virtual IP Address:]
        • SIP Signaling: Auto
        • UDP Signaling Port: 5060
        • TCP Signaling Port: 5060
        • TLS Signaling Port: 5061
      Validate Registration (Update User License Type)

      1. Access ShoreTel Director via Web Browser (http://[DirectorIP]/shorewaredirector/login.asp)
        • Default Login: admin / changeme
      2. Navigate to Administration > Users > Individual Users
      3. Click on [User's first name created earlier: LifeSize_220 for us]
      4. Verify under Current Port you see something like:
        • SIP-[String of characters]
          • Congrats phone has registered with ShoreTel if not begin troubleshooting (Physical connections and settings)
      5. Change License Type: [Set to Extension Only unless Mailbox is needed]
      That completes it.  Hope this helps many out there.

        Thursday, August 1, 2013

        Printer Server - Windows Server 2008

        Before I joined my current employeer they setup their printers as follows:

        1. Assign a Static IP to device at the unit (though they are on their own VLAN and could have DHCP setup).
        2. Install to the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) then share out to all users
          • Some manual others via a old batch script (Correct no GPO here)
          • If system needs 64-bit drivers they can download from manufacture site.
        So having many issues with this config I am setting up a Print Server on our Backup Domain Controller (BDC) also a 2k8 system (hoping to move up to 2k8r2 or even 2k12 next year).  Below are the processes/setups I completed.

        Install Role via Server Manager (wanted to do via PowerShell but requires installation of Exchange Management appearently:
        1. Login to desired server to install Print Server Role
        2. Launch Server Manager (if not done so automatically)
        3. Under Roles Summary click Add Roles
        4. Select Printer Services > Next > Next
        5. Select Roles to add > Next
          • Printer Server (selected)
            • Printer Server and Print Magament Snap-in
          • LPD Service
            • For Linux Printing using LPR
          • Internet Printing
            • Allow users to manage print jobs (Requires Web Server (IIS) role)
        6. Review > Install
        7. Review results (correct any error as needed)
        Printer Setup
        1. To start I had to add our network printers to our BDC.  Mapping them to their IP and not using the shares from the PDC.  (Used all PCL5 32-bit drivers as server is 32 bit).
          • Print Management > Print Servers > [Server Name] > Printers > Right Click - Add Printer
          • For new printer complete the following:
            • Select "Add a TCP/IP or Web Services Printer ..." > Next
            • Enter IP Address > Next
            • Setup Sharing now or skip and do later > Next
            • Review Details > Next
            • I always recommend selecting "Print test page", if you wish to add more printers select that > Finish
          • To duplicate a printer (If you setup default print settings for BW and Color)
            • Select "Add a new printer using existing port: [Select TCP/IP port to be used]" > Next
            • Select Driver to use (we only change when we need to offer up PostScript to our marketing)
            • Once the printers were all added I then began the process of adding additional drivers.
        2. Next I made sure I had the x86, x64 of PCL5 and also select PostScript (PS) drivers for my printers.
          • Print Management > Print Servers > [Server Name] > Drivers  > Right Click - Add Driver
            • Next
            • Select all formats that you plan to add (typically I do both x64 and x86 for all printers) > Next
            • Either browse the list or click "Have Disk" (I recommend using have disk and downloading drivers from vendor) > Next
              • If multiple models select best fit.
            • Will repeat if you selected both x64 and x86 otherwise click "Finish"
        And that is it.  Now you can manage drivers for all installed printers in on location.  At some point I will get GPO deployment configured and will post that up as well but for now I will have to update our existing batch file.