Monday, March 23, 2015

Apple Tips and Tricks Vol 2

Continuation of Apple Tips and Tricks.  In this volume will be covering preferences (plists), display  iPad on Macbook via QuickTime, Hidden User Account

Preferences (plist)
  • plists are basically the configuration for applications
  • Many do not exist until a default value has been changed in the program
  • preferences are cached in a process called "cfprefsd"
    • Recommend to force quit when trying to fine tune preference imports to ensure fresh pull from plist and not cache
  • Exercises
    • Safari - Homepage
      • [Link to Google Doc with steps]
iPad display on Macbook via QuickTime
  • Desire to record or display iPad screen on Macbook to projector or to record video
  1. Cable iPad to Macbook
  2. Ensure both devices are powered on
  3. Open Quicktime on Macbook
  4. Start "New Movie Recording"
    • File > New Movie Recording
  5. Press drop arrow next to record button
  6. Select Camer > iPad
Hidden User Account

  • Hide management / local admin user on Macbooks
    • Prevent confusion and attempts at unauthorized access
  • User accounts below 500 are hidden from Users and Groups
    • Utilize feature to hide managed accounts and test users
  1. System Preferences
  2. Users and Groups
  3. Create new account (+)
  4. Use following settings
    • New Account: Administrator
    • Full Name: [Friendly Account Name]
    • Account Name: [User Name]
    • Password: [Desired Password]
    • Verify: [Desired Password]
    • Password Hint: [Something to remember password by]
  5. Click Create User
  6. Double-Click or Control-Click on new user
  7. Click "Advanced Options"
  8. Change User ID to below 500
  9. Click "OK"

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